_________________ Arthur W. Erickson, Inc. _________________
Old Native Arts and Unusual Antiques since 1974
503-227-4710 or email us at arthur@arthurwerickson.com
Sales • Purchase • Consignment • Appraisals
Arthur W. Erickson, Inc. specializes in 19th and early 20th Century American Indian art and material culture. The items on this site indicate the items that we are interested in, including: Indian Basketry, Beadwork, Art Work, Navajo Jewelry, Indian Pottery, Navajo Rugs and blankets; Eskimo Arts and artifacts: Pre-historic and historic carved ivory, bone, and wood arts; Tribal Arts.
Our brick and mortar store has been established in the West End of Downtown Portland since 1974. We have always and continue to have a fantastic time finding and dealing in the arts.
All the merchandise available for sale on this site is currently in inventory at our brick and mortar antique store located at 1030 SW Taylor St. Portland, Oregon, 97205. That being said, all merchandise is one-of-a-kind, and may not be available if sold in the store while a site user is trying to purchase the item. Also, due to the nature of buying high level antiques on-line, please contact us with any questions you have.

Arthur Erickson is a member of the Antique Tribal Art Dealers Association. Shop with confidence knowing all artifacts are guaranteed authentic and are traded with integrity.